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Foursquare Connection 2011 in Columbus, Ohio, May 30–June 2, promises rest for weary leaders, collaborative learning opportunities, and plenty of time to reconnect with friends and colleagues.

This year’s Foursquare annual convention in Columbus, Ohio, will focus on the yearlong return to our spiritual roots, raising the banner of God’s mission for The Foursquare Church and this year’s Connection theme: “Accelerate—The Whole Gospel to the Whole World.”

“This theme is grounded in the Book of Acts,” says Foursquare President Glenn Burris Jr. Foursquare leaders are reading a chapter of Acts every day, repeating the cycle each month throughout 2011.

“We are collectively praying for God to do in us and in our churches what the Holy Spirit did for the first-century Christians,” Glenn affirms. As we gather in Columbus, he says, “we will all rejoice because of the significant ways God is responding to our passionate prayer.”

The schedule for Foursquare Connection 2011 will include six general sessions featuring such speakers as missiologist Ed Stetzer; Leslie Keegel, Foursquare’s national leader of Sri Lanka; Rick Bezet, pastor of New Life Church in Conway, Ark.; and Jon Tyson, pastor of Trinity Grace Church in New York City. There will also be a time to look closely at Foursquare’s four-stage model, and to share insight and a clear direction for the future of our movement.

Special collaborative tracks are planned for Wednesday for leaders to gather within peer-based environments to explore missional practices that will set us on our global course of developing healthy, reproducing leaders who lead healthy, reproducing churches contextually, creatively and courageously.

A final worship session on Thursday morning will bring Foursquare Connection 2011 to a close and will conclude with corporate communion.

Early-bird registration for Foursquare Connection 2011 is available online through February 21; pre-convention rates will apply Feb. 21-May 9. Full details regarding Foursquare Connection 2011 are available online, as well.

By: Rod Light, an ordained Foursquare minister and educator in Los Angeles