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When Adam and Eve chose to violate the instructions that God had given them about staying clear of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, there were immediate results. They felt shame and were overcome with fear. No wonder the entrance of this consequence has its origin with the father of lies. The fact that Lucifer convinced one-third of the angels in heaven to rebel suggests the power of his influence.

None of us starts out thinking that we are going to open our life, ministry, family or future to the damaging effects of sin. Yet we continually find ourselves exposed and vulnerable to a culture that has the power to lure any of us into its web of deception.

It only took one coupon offering “3 days, 2 nights with a free gift” to connect Debbie and me to a world of high pressure, four-hour presentations and a lifelong commitment to something that we didn’t need and couldn’t afford. The Lord spared us, but the lessons learned will never be forgotten.

There are ways to steer your life through this maze of options and decisions. Three things could change your destiny from victim to victor: discernment, discipline and devotion. Read the fine print and muster the courage to say “no” to any invitation that God has not authored or approved!

By: Glenn Burris Jr., general supervisor