In September 2009, I received a prophetic word to cast my nets on the other side of the boat. God asked me to start a church where unchurched people would love to attend.

It’s time to do church in an unconventional way to reach people who are far from God. I wasn’t raised in the church, so I had a lifetime full of experiences with those who are far from God. Our church sees value in each empty chair. That empty chair represents a person who has a story that matters to God.

The disciples thought they knew how to fish, but in John 21:4-6 the Lord reminded them that He is the Lord of the harvest, and that He provides the fish.

“And He said to them, ‘Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.’ So they cast, and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish” (v.6, NKJV).

Are you discouraged in this season? I encourage you to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to grant you insight into how to reach your community. In light of COVID-19, here are a few of my own suggestions:

  • Invite people to like and follow you and your church on social media.
  • Ask people you meet about specific needs in your community. If you’re able, look at ways where you can personally contribute to reach people.
  • Volunteer to take groceries to your elderly neighbors or those who are isolated.

Cast a wide net, and allow the Lord to provide you with fish.

Prayer + Reflection

  1. Let’s pray: “Lord, please help me reach even one person during this time. Help me see into their heart and speak truth into their life, sharing your Good News.”
  2. Pray that you would teach people first by example, and second by your words.
  3. As some churches begin to reopen and gather again for worship, pray that the Good News of the gospel would make its way to the unreached in our communities in whatever way you’re able to serve them.
  4. Even amid a global pandemic, let’s pray for a new wave of missions workers to continue the good work in areas with an established Foursquare presence, as well as in unreached areas around the world.

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