Even the experienced fishermen turned disciples did not see the storm coming in Mark 4. Its intensity made even these brave men fearful for their lives.

Meanwhile, while everyone cowered in fear, Jesus slept. He knew how this storm would end. So, when it was time, Jesus displayed the power of our God to calm the storm. But He didn’t stop there; Jesus also used the moment to build faith.

I wonder how many of us did not see the current squall of the COVID-19 pandemic coming? Crashing upon us like a giant wave, it is leaving a wake of anxiety and fear stretching across the world. I wonder how many of us are fearful like the disciples were?

“Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, ‘Peace, be still!’ And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. But He said to them, ‘Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?’ And they feared exceedingly, and said to one another, ‘Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey Him!’” (Mk. 4:39-41, NKJV).

After the storm was calmed, the still-terrified disciples were asking, “Who is this?”

The pandemic has many people asking that same question today. Who can remain calm when everyone else is fearful? Who can rebuke the storms of life?

Friends, this is our time. It is our time to be like Jesus, to remain calm and to call on Him to rebuke this storm. It is our time to build faith in Jesus in all whose lives we touch.

Prayer + Reflection

  1. Pray for those who feel overwhelmed, physically or emotionally, by the current storm we face.
  2. We ask for Jesus to rebuke this storm, the COVID-19 pandemic. Let’s pray: “Please, Holy Spirit, be with all those who are fighting the disease and working to contain the spread in our communities.”
  3. Pray that the Good News of the gospel may reach unreached and soon-to-be believers in Christ Jesus.
  4. Pray for Foursquare missionaries, pastors and leaders, and churches worldwide as they adjust to where they are in the course of the pandemic. Ask the Lord to grant wisdom, discernment and creativity for the current season, and pray for healthy ways to help people grieve who have experienced loss due to COVID-19.

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