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I hope you will join me in praying for the volatile place our nation is in. It’s fracturing at the seams. Violence has become a mainstay, and hate rules in many circles.

Racism, intolerance, injustice and retaliation are poisonous darts that prey on the unsuspected. From Orlando, Fla., to Falcon Heights, Minn., to Baton Rouge, La., and to Dallas, there is an undercurrent of pain and anger.

There is also fear of being targeted due to the color of your skin or the uniform you wear. All the while, the enemy of our soul lurks to pit us against each other instead of against the kingdom of darkness.

Racism, and any prejudice and bigotry, must be purged from every corner of our communities. We need action, not just promises. The church must speak up. This is not a time to be silent. We need to bring healing, not hurt.

Jesus came into a world of violence and oppression. His response was to lay down his life and invite others to do the same. His method was to challenge oppression and injustice. His message was to champion forgiveness, instead of revenge.

Our nation can choose between the way of the Messiah, a man of peace, and acquainted with grief and suffering. Or we can choose the way of the world, and continue to experience the violence that leaves us all incredibly vulnerable.

Go out of your way to engage and befriend people of a different color or culture than your own. Listen to their stories and/or their pain. Be an advocate. As Timothy Keller says, “We may not all be brothers or sisters of the faith, but we are all neighbors and we are called to ‘love’ our neighbors.”

Support the men and women of law enforcement, who put their lives and families on the line daily. Some of our pastors have become spiritual advisors to them. We need more.

Also, help hold accountable all of those who don’t act in the best interests of our fellow citizens. We must stop injustice and oppression.

We are at war. But it is a war that began in the heavenlies and continues today. At stake are the souls of men and women.  Lastly, pray! “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God, for pulling down strongholds” (2 Corinthians 10:4, NKJV). As we pray and act together, we can see our nation and our world healed and restored.

This Sunday, join me and fellow Foursquare churches across our nation to pray together during your meeting times and services in a “Call to Prayer and Action.” As you pray and ask the Lord how he is calling you to act within your community, also consider these prayer points.

Pray With Us:

  • Pray that polarization in our nation would cease and that unity would prevail.
  • Pray that the church will rise in love and in the ministry of reconciliation we have been given, and lead the way in healing our communities.
  • Pray against injustice and that God would give us wisdom and strategy to do our part to see injustice cease and to right the wrongs being done in our nation.
  • In the midst of tragedies’ complexity and confusion, pray that people would find healing and hope in Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
President Glenn Burris Jr. recommends T.D. Jakes’ video, “Tragedies in our Streets.” Watch now on Facebook Live.

served as the president of The Foursquare Church from 2009-2020.