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The board of directors met during the month of July and approved new church plants into the Foursquare family. Four new churches were welcomed in total, spanning four districts.

The churches are listed by district and each one contains the church name, location, pastor, church code and date of approval.

Gulf Atlantic District:

  • Atlanta Urban Foursquare Church, in Lithonia, Ga., pastored by Mark Mitchell (church code 32983, approved July 31, 2008).

Louisiana/Mississippi District:

  • Lovetouch, in Harvey, La., pastored by Joan Powell (church code 33100, approved July 10, 2008). Since 1992, Lovetouch has provided food, clothing and shelter for the elderly, disabled, economically disadvantaged, and homeless population of the inner cities. Lovetouch operates a homeless shelter and provides transitional housing for low-income individuals. Next, they will open Foursquare II Biloxi which will extend their ministry into New Orleans.

North Texas District:

  • Hamilton Foursquare Church, in Hamilton, Texas, pastored by Don Jackson (church code 33116, approved July 31, 2008). For the past few years, Pastor Don and his wife has been working in restoring churches that are in trouble. This church was an independent church that has been ravaged by a few pastors, and was down to eight when given to Foursquare. Those eight adults include a piano player and a worship leader. The church comes with a nice, small building. The church will begin holding services on Sunday, August 17th. Pastor Don and his wife would like prayer in finding favor in the community and for restoration of those hurt through the prior situations in this church.

South Texas District:

  • Focus, in Richmond, Texas, pastored by Joe Parks (church code 33117, approved July 31, 2008).