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It’s frustrating, sometimes embarrassing, amusing and disconcerting being partially red-green-brown color-blind.

It’s frustrating, because every day is a challenge when I get dressed. Melinda must be with me when I buy clothes. (“The slacks and jacket look fine together—honest!”) It’s embarrassing, because I’m wrong more than I’m right when I point out something to a friend using color. (“That shirt is purple, not blue.”) And it’s amusing, because I become a point of interest when someone learns I’m color-blind. (“What color does this look like to you?” “What color is that car?”)

But my color-blindness is also disconcerting. I believe I can see, but I’m blind to what is true and real. In fact, I only know I’m color-blind because others continue to confirm it. I cannot see certain colors even though I know I’m blind to those colors. I live every day knowing I’m missing so much because something is broken in my eyes.

My daily experiences with this mild form of blindness connected with Acts 5:12-40 in a way that startled me. In the first portion of the text, we read that the apostles performed many miraculous signs, wonders, healings and deliverances. These miracles were so extraordinary that people in Jerusalem and the surrounding area were both repelled and compelled.

Still, people believed, and the congregation grew.

The second and larger portion of the text describes time in jail for the apostles, a miraculous release from jail, instructions by an angel of the Lord, their second arrest, court proceedings, questioning, judgment and flogging of these same apostles. Is this any way to treat people who do signs and wonders, who heal the sick and cast out demons?

I doubt if the high priest and his associates realized the apostles were doing these miracles. It is probable that the high priest and his associates were blinded and could not see these miracles. We read in Acts 5:17, 28 and 33 that these leaders were “filled with jealousy,” afraid that they would be blamed for Jesus’ death, and they were “furious” with the apostles.

Jealousy, fear and rage are powerful, and they can impact how a person “sees.”

This passage reminded me of Peter’s reaction during the arrest of Jesus. As Jesus was confronted and in the fear and confusion of the moment, “one of them struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his right ear. But Jesus answered, ‘No more of this!’ And he touched the man’s ear and healed him” (Luke 22:50-51, NIV).

Please forgive this graphic description, but it serves the larger point. A portion of the ear may be on the ground, the blood still wet on the servant’s head and shoulder. But now, he has a new ear. The servant is healed before all their eyes in verse 51, and Jesus is seized and taken away in verse 54.

Hatred and fear blinded these men.

The lessons here are significant for me. Among them is the humility to recognize what I think I “see” and “know.” Also important is my quick repentance and confession when I find sin and frailty in me, so that my sight is not hindered. This recognition is followed by a request to the God who loves me that He will daily help me see accurately.

By the way, it will be so amazing to see all the colors in heaven!

By: Jim Scott, vice president of Global Operations / director of Foursquare Missions International

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