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On July 2, 2009, Ralph and Patricia Neely were on the Des Moines River scouting sites for the family to be able to view the fireworks on the Fourth of July. Not realizing that a safety cable had been removed from the river, their boat got too close to a waterfall. The flow of the river sent their boat over the falls, and it capsized. Ralph drowned in the maelstrom, while Patricia struggled in the swirling rage of the water below the falls.

A formal rescue would have taken too long, but a construction group was nearby. A crane quickly lowered construction worker Jason Oglesbee to lift the woman out of danger and whisk her away to safety.

When Nehemiah heard of the crisis in Jerusalem, he was immediately moved in his heart to pray. Sometimes that’s our only option—PRAYER! We are living in a world that is experiencing unprecedented crises. We are inundated with news of earthquakes, tsunamis, political unrest, spiritual tensions, national chaos and lawlessness. Cities are overwhelmed by fatherless generations. People all over the world are experiencing unparalleled challenges-and many of those experiencing these challenges are also walking in spiritual darkness. At this crucial juncture, God’s people have the unique privilege of being instruments of RESCUE (2 Cor. 5:19)!

As we begin the month of October, I would like to issue a CALL TO PRAYER and FASTING that engages The Foursquare Church in a kingdom response to the season we find ourselves in:

  1. Prayer for the nations
  2. Prayer for our nation
  3. Prayer for the church
  4. Prayer for our church

Prayer for the nations:

  • Pray that the gospel of Jesus Christ will be proclaimed powerfully, triumphing over the principalities and powers of this world.
  • Pray that those walking in darkness and deception will experience the light and truth of the Word.
  • Pray that national leaders will come to a saving knowledge of the Lord.
  • Pray that those in the midst of natural disasters will experience God’s grace and provision.
  • Pray that the church will respond appropriately to specific needs arising from these disasters.
  • Pray for nations that are experiencing civil disorder and lawlessness.

Prayer for our nation:

  • Pray that local governments will experience the grace and wisdom of the Lord as they make decisions.
  • Pray for cities that are experiencing incredible breakdowns in the moral and spiritual fabric of their areas.
  • Pray for our president, cabinet, senate, congress and other national officials as they serve our nation.
  • Pray for governors, state representatives and agencies that serve each of our states.

Prayer for the church:

  • Pray that churches and ministries around the world will discover breakthrough strategies for reaching the lost.
  • Pray that churches and ministries will have God-given insight and empowerment to minister hope and help to those in need.
  • Pray that the various parachurch ministries around our nation and the world will experience increased effectiveness and unity as they spread the gospel.
  • Pray for the success of ministries such as Call2All that are marshaling denominations, ministries, and churches to reach the lost, train effective leaders and send disciples out to plant and lead churches.
  • Pray for God’s favor and protection for the underground movements and churches that face persecution because of their faith.

Prayer for our church

  • Pray that our churches will experience an abundant harvest of souls.
  • Pray for a renewed effort to discover, recruit, train and release emerging leaders.
  • Pray for an abundance of resources in spite of economic challenges.
  • Pray for wisdom for the board, cabinet and convention body as they make important decisions during this critical season.
  • Pray for smooth transitions and for godly wisdom as the new districts supervisors and their staff members minister to churches and leaders.
  • Pray for the 70 former supervisors as they continue their ministry transitions.
  • Pray for a resurgence of new church planting leaders and teams.
  • Pray that churches and ministries will have divine enablement to minister hope and help to those in need in their communities.

Consider joining the board in prayer and fasting each Wednesday this month. Consider fasting a meal or all day. James 5:16 declares that the a godly person’s prayer is powerful. Our prayer partnership WILL make a difference!

By: Glenn Burris Jr., interim president of The Foursquare Church