Kristian Hernandez
Kristian Hernandez

Life, marriage, parenting and leadership expose the anxieties of my heart.

Pastor John Mark Comer wrote: “Anxiety is temporary atheism.” Quite often I find myself living and leading as if God is not real, and as if God is not good.

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Phil 4:6-7, NKJV).

In light of my struggle with anxiety, I find the powerful, sweeping words in these verses incredibly striking. If God is good, if the gospel is true, if grace is real, then every possible thing that fuels my anxieties is rendered powerless. These verses don’t deny the realities of life or condemn me for feeling anxious—rather, they free me from letting anxiety be my directing force. That’s good news!

Some days are better than others. I’m learning to find solace in prayer as I make my anxious heart known to God, who fully knows me, loves me and has promised to never leave me or forsake me.

Reflect + Pray

1. What are some anxieties you are experiencing? Name them. What are the things that are causing “temporary atheism” for you?

2. Anxieties can often expose our idolatry in that they can reveal what we hold as truly important and most valuable. Are there any idols that become evident when you examine your anxieties?

3. When you consider the gospel and the goodness of God, our anxieties become powerless. In prayer bring your anxiety to God, and rest in the goodness of God.

4. Pray for the mental health of all Foursquare pastors and staff, for we know the enemy attacks us with insecurity when we worry or feel anxious. Ask the Lord for His strength and sureness to cover us all.

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is the lead pastor of Hope Church Astoria in Astoria, N.Y.


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