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The Awakening America Alliance, part of the International Center for Spiritual Renewal (ICFSR), is calling believers across America to commit to 21 days of fasting and prayer for our nation. This annual call to prayer occurs in January, and participants are able to choose any 21-day period throughout the month to give themselves to serious prayer for a spiritual awakening throughout America.
Foursquare Chief Operating Officer Sterling Brackett, who chairs the ICFSR board, stated: “This annual time of prayer for our nation is an extraordinary opportunity for The Foursquare Church to unite with other believers and ask the Lord to send a revival in America. Our church emanated from the fires of the Azusa Street Revival, and I believe that we can once again experience a nation-changing move of God.”
Those who wish to register can do so by logging on to the Awakening America website. Daily devotions and words of encouragement will be e-mailed to participants throughout their 21 days of fasting and prayer. In addition, a poster is available for churches participating in the event.