The Same Jesus podcast is hosted by Russell Joyce and A.J. Swoboda.
Russell Joyce is senior pastor of Faith Center, a Foursquare church located in Eugene, Ore. He is also the director of Foursquare Multiply, which seeks to train, network and multiply the next generation of Foursquare churches across the U.S.
A.J. Swoboda, Ph.D., is assistant professor of Bible, Theology and World Christianity at Bushnell University. He has written several books, and he planted and pastored a Foursquare church in Portland, Ore., called Theophilus that continues to worship to this day.
Thanks to our special guest Jennifer Thigpenn, an ordained minister who currently serves as multiethnic ministry coordinator for the Western District of The Foursquare Church. She is also an adjunct professor at Life Pacific University, and serves on the U.S. and global Foursquare doctrine committees.
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