This article is archived. Some links and details throughout the article may no longer be active or accurate.

Many feel it is time to be open to renewing the paradigm that frames our yearly gathering–taking us beyond only “a convention,” to experiencing “an encounter”–together, in the presence of God.

This is not a new idea, but it does invite a new anticipation. Among other things it summons us to reprioritize our schedules–for some, to consider moving convention from optional to essential. Why is it needful to come?

It is needful because YOU are needed.
Would you help me help each leader in our church family
feel this–help each one see how important she or he is to us?
Our growth only increases, not reduces, the importance of ONE.

Can you believe this may be the time that God will not only
meet us profoundly but also do a new work in all our hearts?
Will you pray? Begin with me as 2005 begins.

Let’s hear His Word

“It is time to seek the Lord, till He comes and rains righteousness upon you… Ask the Lord for rain in the time of the latter rain… He will give them showers.” Hosea 10:12c; Zechariah 10:1

In the light of His Word, let us begin to pray the 2005 theme–


For Such A Time As This!

A poster in the mail won’t motivate anyone. [But it can confirm a hunger.]
(You’ll receive one in January.)

A registration form won’t motivate a decision. [But it invites yours, with prayer.]
(Look for full details in February.)

My invitation here won’t pay the bill. [But faith and a plan will find a way.]
(Begin now to invoke divine provision. Start today to set aside even small sums.)

Set Your Calendar For An Appointment In Chicago