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Andy Millar, senior pastor
Light of the Nations (Denver South Foursquare Church)
When Andy Millar resigned his secure position as senior associate pastor at Living Way Fellowship, a Foursquare church that meets in a Denver suburb, he stepped out into what he dubs a “faith adventure.” His goal? To start a new church in the city that is multi-national and multiethnic—what the 49-year-old pastor calls “a church of many colors that will look like heaven in worship and be Jesus on Earth.”
“I have always been drawn to people of other ethnicities,” says Andy, who grew up in Ethiopia, where his parents, now retired missionaries, met and married. His Scottish father was born in India, also of missionary parents. Andy and his wife, Donna, both felt a call to the mission field throughout their lives.
“But the Lord made it clear time and again that we were not to go,” Andy recalls. “So we began to be mobilizers, helping others go to the mission field.”
Now it’s their turn to go, though perhaps in a different way than the couple originally expected. A year ago, they launched their own congregation, called Light of the Nations: A Denver Mosaic of the Body of Christ.
“Over the past 10 years, many new people from around the world have come to Denver and have made it their home,” Andy explains. “We see an opportunity for the gospel among [them].”
The minister notes that people come to the U.S. looking for a better life, but often become disillusioned by the lonely life far away from family, the meaninglessness of worldly riches, and the rat race they have to run to get there.
“We hope to lead them to the Lord … train them and allow them to serve in the church,” he says. “Then, if the Holy Spirit so leads and provides for individuals, we would send some back to their [countries] of origin. Our hope is to encourage people in their calling, and to witness and plant churches, [so] that God’s kingdom may come not only to the internationals of Denver, but [also] through these internationals to their own people in their homelands.”
By: Bill Shepson, a Foursquare credentialed minister and freelance writer in Los Angeles