We are living in a time when everything seems to be shaking. Political systems, financial markets, personal health, social norms and even church practices are going through a time of shaking.
As followers of Jesus, we are not immune from market downturns or viruses that turn into pandemics. We were never promised a “storm-free” life, but we were promised a “storm-proof” life, because we live according to the realities of an unshakable heavenly kingdom.
“At that time His voice shook the earth, but now He has promised, ‘Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.’ The words ‘once more’ indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our ‘God is a consuming fire.’”
Shaking in the natural world can be a reflection of spiritual shaking. Heaven and Earth are shaking simultaneously. Shaking is disruption that brings about a shift or change in how we live our lives. The people of God respond to shaking with reverent and awe-filled worship (v.28), and with attention to what God is doing on the earth (v.26).
When shaking occurs, faulty foundations are exposed, and stable foundations are revealed. When everything in life feels vulnerable, people will be searching for that which cannot be shaken. These are days of challenge, for sure—but they are also days of great opportunity.
Every great revival in history was preceded by some sort of calamity, disruption or desperate need. When shaking on Earth occurs, the heavens are also shaking in order to reveal the coming kingdom. Awakenings are born from shaking.
Prayer & Reflection
- The key to living on a firm, unshakable foundation is to hear and obey God’s Word (Luke 6:46-48). When things are shaking, it’s easy to forget what God told you in your quiet time or the word He gave you a week ago. Remind yourself of His love for you, or a promise He has spoken over your life.
- The main characteristic of a disciple of Jesus is how we “see” things. We walk by faith, not by sight. Faith is the anticipation of seeing God do mighty things, even beyond what is happening in the natural world. Ask Jesus to increase your faith and to give you eyes to see what He is doing in your life, family, church, workplace, neighborhood and world.
- Personalize and pray Psalms 46 and 91. Remind yourself of your unshakable God, and be renewed in awe and reverent worship of our Rock and Fortress.
- During this time of social distancing and widespread fear, make intentional time for daily, focused prayer. Intercede for your community, the afflicted and the vulnerable. May we root into a “storm-proof” life as we continue to experience God’s unshakable kingdom.
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