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“All hands on deck,” a common nautical expression dating to the 19th century, is a clarion call to report to duty. It’s a call for everyone—from the mechanics in the engine room, sailors in the mess hall or the bunk area, to the officers, gunners, and mid-shipman—everyone responds. The call can be given in times of emergency or spoken when the importance of the moment requires the immediate focus, energy and attention of everyone. Most important, the nature and timing of this announcement is an obvious indication that the participation of everyone is crucial.

Jesus issued a similar call on the night of His betrayal. He knew that danger lurked around the corner. He understood that failure to discern the moment or failure to be at one’s best in that scenario could subject people to the enemy’s plans or schemes. His “watch and pray” invitation to Peter, James and John in Mark 14:38 was laced with passion and challenge. They fell asleep… can you believe it? Were they weary? Did they not understand the significance of the moment? Were they so troubled by the collection of recent events and prophetic words that they chose denial rather than facing that crucial moment with Jesus?

We are issuing an “All Hands On Deck” call to our entire Foursquare family in the United States, and we are working with the Foursquare Global Council to invite leaders to join from around the world. In partnership with our Foursquare global leaders, we will also encourage four days devoted specifically to prayer and fasting in 2010. This is an unprecedented season of opportunity and challenge! We are calling on you to watch and pray with us.

Jesus asked His disciples if they would pray with Him for one hour. That’s the same invitation today! On the second Saturday of each month, beginning January 9, 2010, we are calling on our movement to engage in a prayer focus that will have a huge impact on our future. We cannot underestimate the power of a global effort to call upon the name of the Lord in this season. Will you pray with us for one hour each month during the coming year?

We are using a website called, based on 2 Chronicles 7:14, to help unify our prayer effort. This site allows you to sign up committing to a one-hour time period on the second Saturday of each month. We encourage you to check it out! Each month we will update the website with a prayer theme and challenge, accompanied by particular points for our unified prayer. Imagine the power of our global family engaged on the same day, praying over the same things, contending for God to do the miraculous.

Matthew 18:19 says, “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.” The word “agree” in Matthew 18:19 is sumphoneo, from which we get our English word “symphony.” It literally means: sum (together), and phoneo (to sound), or in other words, to be in accord or to be in harmony. The spiritual dynamic of unity can alter any circumstance we face!

Mark your calendars for January 9, 2010, a day that launches a new venture for all of us! This will be a global Foursquare strategy of linking arms around the world confronting sin, contending for the lost, interceding for those in authority, praying for laborers in the harvest, expecting the multiplication of churches and ministries, and believing for the incarnational church to infuse our communities with hope and healing. And this only begins to scratch the surface!

John Wesley said: “Give me 100 preachers who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not a straw whether they be clergy or laymen, such alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the kingdom of heaven on earth. God does nothing but in answer to prayer.”

Sign up today. All hands on deck! We need you!

By: Glenn Burris Jr., interim president