In John 15:1-17 Jesus explained how we as believers are called to abide in Him.

Abide also means to “remain, endure and suffer.” As I reflected on this passage, I began to wonder what true abiding looks like. This passage is not only about remaining present with Jesus, but also is a call to action and a commission that is given to us to respond as Jesus did.

Abiding is letting go of comfort and understanding the process of sacrifice and suffering.

Abiding is being prepared to suffer alongside those who have endured the reality of being tossed aside, forgotten, marginalized and abandoned. It’s actively choosing to sacrifice privilege and contentment for advocacy, mercy, justice and love. Abiding will not always feel good or look pretty, but it’s the fullest embrace of the life of Jesus we can choose to participate in.

As we receive this invitation to abide, may we also come to a deeper understanding of the greatest commandment found in this passage of Scripture: “Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (vv. 12-13, NIV).

Let us be a people who abide in Christ and who welcome the transformation that comes with it.

Prayer + Reflection

  1. Read through John 15:1-17, and ask God what abiding in Christ looks like in your faith journey with Him.
  2. Thank God for giving us this invitation to draw closer to Him by learning and understanding what it means to remain, endure, suffer and sacrifice for Christ and with Christ. May we see this commission as a way to call us higher and deeper in our relationship with God and with people.
  3. Take some time and just sit with Jesus, and meditate on the words in verses 12-13. Allow God the space to reveal those areas in your life that need to be “laid down” so that you can love people as God loves you.

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