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Pastor Jack Hayford, president of The Foursquare Church, announces the appointment of Rick Wulfestieg–who has served the Foursquare movement in ministry leadership for 32 years–as director of Foursquare Media.

“Rick brings a rich history of the church and a relevant appreciation of the power of print in spiritual formation,” says Hayford. “All with a recognized, respected and current understanding of Christian publishing. By request, Rick will continue as the director of ForeRunners, a ministry dedicated to caring for and involving licensed Foursquare retired ministers and spouses over the age of 65.”

Larry Libby has also been appointed to serve as senior editor. Libby is a gifted man with 30 years of editorial expertise with Multnomah Publishing and has edited for such noted authors as James Dobson, Chuck Swindoll and Thomas Kinkade, as well as for well-known Foursquare leaders Ron Mehl and Jack Hayford.

“Larry is a rare treasure in the art of printed conversational English,” notes Hayford. “Few senior editors demonstrate this grasp with such a touch of grace, clarity and Holy Spirit sensitivity. [He has received] several national and international awards in writing.”

Linda Hibdon will also be joining the team as senior administrative assistant to Foursquare Media and ForeRunners. She too comes with vast experience in ministry and administration within the Foursquare family.

Foursquare Media in its formation will consist of two divisions: a Book Group and a Literature Group. The Book Group has created an international publishing house in partnership with Creation House Press (Strang Communications).

In 2006, four featured books on the facets of Christ-centered ministry–incarnating discipleship; biblically rooted; Holy-Spirit filled; and life-forming–as well as world-shaping media resources will be released to an international market. The Book Group will also provide a “Distinctives” series that will capture our Foursquare family history, vision and values. The target audience will be for cell study groups, church ministry institutes and pastoral-led congregational studies.

In time, writer’s conferences will be hosted to encourage ministry leaders in developing writing and publishing skills. Foursquare Media Literature Group will provide a common base of literature and church resources as well as development and distribution.