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My husband and I decided early on that we would intentionally raise our children to recognize their heritage and understand that they will one day be responsible for stewarding that heritage.

Lynn Cooper

We remind our children daily that Coopers believe in standing up for what is right, fighting for the weak and remaining teachable in the various situations of life. We will be thermostats that set the temperature instead of thermometers that reflect the temperature of a room. Those principles help our children live their lives with purpose.

When I think of heritage and purpose, I think of Esther. Her Hebrew name was Hadassah, but she was known by her Persian name. She faced a situation in which her actions would affect not just herself but all the Jews in the province.

Esther’s uncle, Mordecai, took her aside and reminded her of her people and their shared heritage. She was living in the Persian Empire, but she was part of God’s chosen people. Esther embraced both her heritage and her purpose in that moment and resolved to be faithful to both. She had been born for such a moment—she had a God-ordained reason for being where she was at that exact time. She also understood that God would deliver His people; she could choose whether or not she became part of that deliverance. When preparing to present her plea for justice to the king, she stated: “If I die, I die” (Esth. 4:16, MSG).

I believe that we, as Foursquare leaders, must make a similar commitment to heritage and purpose. On page 12 of her book The Foursquare Gospel Aimee Semple McPherson stated:

He [God] gave me a vision of the spiritual needs of humanity. A vision, world-wide with a commission to “go-tell,” and a consuming burden for lost souls: and every Minister of this Organization is alike, God-called, blood-washed and Spirit-filled. The Foursquare Minister does not take up the ministry as a cold profession or occupation in life, but is especially called of God and set apart for the purpose of soul-winning…

As children of God and as part of the Foursquare family, both our heritage and our purpose are clear. We understand our calling and the urgency of the harvest. We have been sent to take the fourfold gospel of Jesus Christ to a world that so desperately needs deliverance.

We have a great responsibility to steward our heritage and remain faithful to our purpose. Let’s embrace our calling, be steadfast in our beliefs and do our part to see that the Foursquare Gospel is proclaimed around the world.

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is assisting minister at Life (Decatur Foursquare Church) in Decatur, Ill.