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I am moved to write you these words as we step toward this Sunday, May 20, and the beginning of our week-long, pre-Pentecost days of fasting and prayer. You will find below this letter a Day-to-Day Prayer Focus, if that would serve you. As we move toward the conclusion of the fast on Saturday afternoon, May 26, I will be joining you in faith for those things God stirs your heart to bear up before His Throne.

Fifty years of leadership have taught me—there is no greater spiritual means to see the release of the Holy Spirit’s power than those we employ in this manner. Fasting somehow cripples the Adversary’s ability to withstand and breaks his capability to sustain strongholds set in place against us. Prayer opens heaven’s windows: the very day we approach—Pentecost—bears witness to that!

As a fellowship of churches, we are at a distinct season within God’s purposes—one none of us can perfectly define, but one which I believe all of us recognize and embrace. Within the circle of our God-appointed leadership roles, as the servant-leaders assigned the stewarding oversight of so many facets of our fellowship, I believe we are granted a unique privilege in the divine structure of things.

It is neither presumptuous nor prideful to acknowledge that our role as elders in Christ’s Body, while giving us no special favor with God, for His grace abounds toward all, still does mantle us with a profoundly great responsibility in the spiritual realm. The benefit of wearing a mantle of leadership responsibly at any dimension is very clear in God’s Word. Even though it grants none of us any greater privileges of access to the Father than others, it does endow each, to the measure of his or her assignment, with an awesome responsibility of authority under Him. When each of us—you and I—prayerfully “cover” our realm of oversight faithfully, there is no way to measure the scope or spread of the blessing, release and dynamic that are unleashed. Amazing!! Gracious!!—that the Father has given such privilege to plain men and women like us—leaders who have been so graced as to serve so many!

As we enter these days, please feel the reach of my hand joining yours. Let us partner in faith, in boldness and in confident anticipation of things transcending all that is residue of the past, all that is status quo of the present, and all that God would call us to become as He opens the future to us!

Day-to-Day Prayer Focus

  • SUNDAY, May 20 “Strengthen My Hands” (Nehemiah 6:9)
    (Praying for God’s power for the tasks that are before us)
  • MONDAY, MAY 21 “Go With Us” (Exodus 33:15)
    (Praying for God’s presence for the journey that lies ahead)
  • TUESDAY, MAY 22 “Protect Them From The Evil One” (John 17:15)
    (Praying for God’s protection unto the purposes of His kingdom)
  • WEDNESDAY, MAY 23 “Send Forth Laborers” (Matthew 9:38)
    (Praying for God’s provision to provide needed workers for the harvest)
  • THURSDAY, MAY 24 “Give Me Wisdom” (II Chronicles 7:10)
    (Praying for God’s people to discern between good and evil, as to advance His Church)
  • FRIDAY, MAY 25 “Not My Will, But Yours Be Done” (Luke 22:42)
    (Praying for God’s plan to be discerned and carried out)
  • SATURDAY, MAY 26 “Increase Our Faith” (Luke 17:5)
    (Praying for God’s pattern of courage to be modeled daily in our walk with Him)

Prayer Flyer

To download a poster for use in your church to encourage prayer and fasting, click here (PDF, 5.1 MB).

To download a bulletin insert, click here (PDF, 2.9 MB).

Please feel free to copy and distribute this resource.

(1934-2023) was the former president of The Foursquare Church and founding pastor of The Church On The Way.