As Jesus was preparing His disciples for a future without Him, He assured them that He would not leave them orphans—He promised to send back to them someone to help.

“And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever” (John 14:16, NKJV). Of course, Jesus was speaking about the Holy Spirit.

To fulfill the mission of the church, it is imperative that we depend on the Promised Helper. The mission is too great, and the souls of people are too precious, for God to entrust them solely into our care. So, God has given us the same Holy Spirit who dwelt in Jesus—the One who helped Him fulfill His mission.

Living in unprecedented times requires bold, insightful leadership, the kind of leadership that comes from someone who is not affected by what is happening in the world around them. We have that Someone living inside of us. And when we live submitted to the leading of the Spirit of God, as Jesus boldly declared: The gates of hell will not prevail against us.

Prayer + Reflection

  1. Ask the Lord to give you a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit, that you would be led to minister to anyone God has placed in your sphere during this time.
  2. Pray that during this pandemic, the body of Christ would truly be a light set on a hill that would boldly serve those in need (Matt. 5:14-16).
  3. Pray for our government and local leaders, that God would protect and guide them. May He reveal His truth to them, that they would have the wisdom to prioritize needs and the humility to serve with integrity during this unprecedented time.


  • Foursquare Church President-Elect Randy Remington presented a message to the Southern California District a few months ago that rings true today. Watch as Randy shares how each of us has access to the ever-present peace of God, even as it transcends our understanding.
  • Psychologist and author Gregory Jantz is the founder of The Center in Seattle, an inpatient treatment center dealing with anxiety, depression and addictions. Listen to Gregory’s recent Zoom call with Northwest District leaders. Find helpful tips and read articles on dealing with COVID-19 at his website,

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