Glenn Burris Jr.
Glenn Burris Jr.

As told in 1 Kings, Elijah succeeded in the arena of powerful ministry, but lost everything in his personal life. Recently, I’ve become more aware of the increased ambiguity of the season we are in, the intensity of spiritual assaults and the ever-present sense of vulnerability we all have.

Navigating these days of chaos, I’ve chosen to follow a simple checklist to discern the state of my faith:

  • Attitude: Am I allowing the Word and the Spirit to stop and bring to submission any impurities that seek to distract, deceive and discourage me or others?
  • Actions: Are my efforts aligned with God’s purposes and plans?
  • Assumptions: Do my insecurities assume the worst about the silence from others, or start down a path where I might misjudge their motives or actions?

I have a daily responsibility to assess and keep in check these areas of my life. I have been called to be a watchman on the wall of my own life. Elijah forfeited God’s trust in fear and insecurity (1 Kings 19). We must fiercely protect what God has entrusted to us.

Prayer + Reflection

  1. Let’s pray: “God, please awaken the gifts of Your Holy Spirit in me, that I may become an instrument in Your hand to confront evil, discern a righteous path and help others more clearly hear Your voice.”
  2. Ask for help: “Dear Lord, help me to stand guard over my heart, mind, emotions and soul. Help me know when deception is at my door, and when I have become vulnerable to the enemy’s lies and traps.”
  3. Pray for Holy Spirit power: “Father, cause Your church to arise in this hour to lead through the world’s confusion, fear, anxiety and chaos. Help us die to ourselves daily so that we may become alive by Your Spirit in generosity, compassion, care, mercy and grace.”

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served as the president of The Foursquare Church from 2009-2020.