Sure, you know Foursquare Connection 2023 is celebrating our Foursquare Centennial with great speakers, worship and workshops. But have you tapped into the “secret menu” of Connection? Look no further, as we have the scoop on all of the off-stage moments that you don’t want to miss.
Play Four Square
We’ll bring the regulation Four Square balls and the chalk. You bring your best game face. Mosey on out to the courtyard between the Anaheim Convention Center and the Hilton Anaheim, and it’s every man, woman, pastor and child for themselves. Ad hoc place daily during Foursquare Connection 2023.
Take a picture with the Gospel Car
We’ve all read about Sister Aimee packing up Rolf, Roberta and Mother Kennedy to trek across the country. You’ll have a real Insta-moment when you take your very own picture with the (OK, it’s a replica) Gospel Car. You’ll find the Gospel Car in the Connection Center at the Anaheim Convention Center. #GospelCar #RoadTripGoals
Visit the 500 Room
The famous 500 Room in Angelus Temple housed the prayer warriors contending for God’s intervention during the many weekly services. This year, you can gather with fellow prayer warriors in our own 500 Room that will be onsite at the Anaheim Convention Center in the North Building. Gather to contend for what the Lord has for our movement, our churches and your life. The 500 Room will be open for prayer from 7-8 a.m., Tuesday and Thursday.
Monday kick-off party
We’re starting at 4 p.m. (PST) on Monday for the first time ever! WHY? Well, we just can’t wait until the evening session to see everyone! Food trucks will be there with food for purchase; music will add to the celebration …. not to mention all your best Foursquare friends. See that kid from camp who now senior pastors a church across the country, that friend from Bible college who now serves in another country, or maybe even your regional pastor. (Insider tip: Do NOT be late for our opening session, as it will be a really special Centennial kick-off that you will not want to miss.)
Arrive early for the Global Summit
On Sunday, all are welcome to join the Global Summit. This is a great opportunity to meet and hear from some of our global Foursquare heroes as well as learn more about what God is doing through Foursquare worldwide. The Global Summit starts at 2 p.m. on Sunday at Angelus Temple. This special event is free; just be sure to add it onto your Foursquare Connection registration.