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In the September issue of Foursquare Leader, sent to all credentialed ministers, the article on the presidential nomination process included a section regarding the changes that were being implemented in the composition of the 2010 cabinet. However, since that issue was published, the board of directors has made several adjustments as a result of further discussion. Because the cabinet is given sole responsibility for selecting presidential candidates, the composition of the cabinet is important to every Foursquare person.

The bylaws define three categories of cabinet members: members by office, members by selection, and members by appointment. Members by office are the members of the board of directors, the executive officers of The Foursquare Church, the president of Life Pacific College, and all of the district supervisors. Members by selection are ministerial representatives from each district. Members by appointment are those who are appointed by the board or by the president with the approval of the board; appointed members serve one-year terms but may be reappointed for subsequent terms.

Because such critical decisions will be made by the 2010 cabinet, it became increasingly clear that a broader range of participants should be included. The board of directors has taken steps to appoint additional members. The first group of additional appointees will come from the 14 districts; each district will select an elder leader and a younger leader representative from among the ordained ministers on the district.

Your district is already participating in the selection of these leaders, who will then be appointed by the board to serve one-year terms. This means that each of the 14 districts will have four representatives to the cabinet: the supervisor, the elected ministerial representative, the appointed elder leader representative, and the appointed younger leader representative. Further special appointees to the cabinet are two former presidents, Dr. Paul Risser and Dr. Jack Hayford; Dr. Harold Helms, an elder statesman within The Foursquare Church; and Dr. Greg Campbell, a non-voting member of the board of directors.

In addition to those 18, five ethnic representatives will be appointed: Hispanic, Portuguese, Asian, First Nations, and African American. Finally, two missionaries will be appointed.

The total number of these special appointees is 39; the total number of members of the 2010 cabinet will be 88. This appointment of extra cabinet members addresses another issue of concern that has been voiced—the fact that a significant percentage of those on the cabinet are employees of The Foursquare Church proper. (This would be the executive officers and the supervisors.) However, with the additional number of members, the total percentage of employees will be 22 percent.

It is our desire that you remain fully informed of the processes that are in place to help us select our next president. As we have asked before, please pray about these events that will transpire during the next few months.

By: The Board of Directors of The Foursquare Church

>> Read more: Presidential Selection Process Proposal