This article is archived. Some links and details throughout the article may no longer be active or accurate.

Foursquare Convention 2008 is going to Houston May 26-29, providing an opportunity for the Foursquare family to gather and be challenged, inspired and encouraged. The promotional brochure for the convention is in the mail, and details are now available online.

“This is no ordinary season—the Lord is making that clear!” says Foursquare President Jack Hayford. “And this is no ordinary time—the hour calls for awakening! That’s why I’m asking each pastor, leader and member to pray and plan to attend this year’s convention, with an urgent passion for God to move among us.”

Speakers and Worship Leaders
Nationally recognized speakers such as Kirbyjon Caldwell and Robert Morris will be joined by Foursquare leaders, including Jim Tolle, Tammy Dunahoo, Dale Evrist, Randy Remington, Peter Bonanno, Tony Krishack and Pastor Jack Hayford.

The convention will also provide an opportunity to worship together with praise and worship leaders Israel and New Breed, Roger Thrower, Carolyn Foster and Eric Green.

Accommodations and Activities
The official convention hotel is the Hilton Americas—Houston, which will offer the best location and value. Several other nearby hotels also offer a discounted convention rate. All registrations include free breakfast.

The Foursquare Urban Dialogue is an added conference that will begin after the convention on Friday, May 30; it will give leaders an opportunity to share ideas for national strategies as well as hear new ideas that can be used in the local church. There is no cost; however, registration is necessary since space is limited.

Explore the past, present and future of space flight as you tour Space Center Houston. The cost is $17 per person and includes transportation.

The exhibit hall has been revamped this year and will offer live music, daily drawings, beverages, snacks, complimentary Internet access and valuable resources. An application to exhibit, sponsor or advertise is available online.

Childcare is available during all sessions, giving kids an opportunity to take field trips, worship together and do arts and crafts with other Foursquare kids from around the world. The cost is $15 per day, per child. For more details, visit the childcare section of the convention website.

Spanish translation of the general sessions is available upon request.

Registration and Discounts
Choose from four ways to register:

  • Visit the convention registration site and click on the “Register Now” link to register online.
  • Call the convention service desk at 877.423.4633, and press option No. 1.
  • Fax your completed registration form to 801.355.8019.
  • Mail your completed registration form and payment to the following address:

Foursquare Convention 2008
175 S. West Temple, Suite 140
Salt Lake City, UT 84101

Save money on this year’s convention in the following ways:

  • Register by March 25, and save $90.
  • Register a group of 10, and save $500.
  • Fly with Continental Airlines, and receive an airline discount.